Search Result

Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 Free Browser-Based P2P File Sharing Sites With No Size Limits

Most email programs only allow for up to 10MB at a time so email was not an option. Who wants to put it on a USB drive and drive over to their friend’s house?
Any one to just send it to them. No hassles. No installing funky programs. No waiting to upload to some server in cyberspace and have them wait for it to download again. So what to do?

Let’s narrow down what the file-sending needs (or wants) are:
  1. Free – as in no charges whatsoever
  2. Browser-based – no installation of some program and, therefore, cross platform
  3. Peer to peer – no waiting for uploading and downloading; just the send time
  4. The ability to send large files – no file-size limit
We all have standards, don’t we? Check out these five choices which meet the criteria shared above.

FilesOverMiles does what it sounds like it does: it helps you send files over miles.

Their subtitle “Browser-to-browser Filesharing” tells us that it fits our criteria. When someone sets up a file to send, a URL is created. Just share the URL and stay online for the actual sending.

I like the name “JetBytes” because it speaks to the speed in which peer-to-peer transferring actually affords.

This file sharing site makes it easy referring to “on-the-fly” transfers and all that. Be careful, just as in any of these peer-to-peer tools, don’t try to open the created link yourself. Doing that will only be letting you download the file back to yourself and blocking your friend from downloading it. No too smart.

From the site: “Instantly send music, movies, presentations or any other files to anybody!” Thanks, for telling us what any of these peer-to-peer tools do for us. OK, I’m just kidding around.

You’ll notice that PipeBytes actually gives some sharing options. You can either send the recipient the URL or a pick-up code which they’ll enter at the home page. Easy-peasy either way.

Oh, you have to love the name for this one. Some weird television show is creeping around in my mind now.

All sci-fi weirdness put aside, this file sharing site puts peer-to-peer into easy to understand words: “Exchange big files directly without uploading to a server.” If you are transferring peer-to-peer, the uploading and downloading all happens at once making everything quick and easy.

Dushare is a tool not recently mentioned here on MakeUseOf. You can share a file peer-to-peer, password protect it, and even chat while the transfer takes place because who wants to pick up a phone?

Seriously though, out of all of the rest of the file sharing sites mentioned here, Dushare has the prettiest looking website design. Oh, and in case you are wondering what sequence things will happen in, you have some nifty icons showing you. You can’t beat that.

You’ll notice that there wasn’t much to say about each of these tools. That’s because they all pretty much do the same thing: send any sized files, directly to another person quickly, easily and for no charge. And that’s about all they do. Test them out and see which performs the best and which is the easiest to use. Then come and tell us in the comments which is best.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

USA vs Algeria World Cup Match Could Set New Internet Traffic Record

The dramatic ending to the World Cup match between the USA and Algeria could set a new record for Internet traffic.

We’ve been watching Akamai’s Net Usage Index, which tracks visitors per minute on more than 100 of the major news sites in Akamai’s network. In the minutes following Landon Donovan’s game winning goal in the 91st minute of action (which sent the U.S. to the round of 16), traffic spiked to 11.2 million visitors per minute, which moves the event past the 2008 presidential election as the second highest traffic spike of all-time.

Today’s number was also likely pushed significantly higher because England and Slovenia were also playing a suspenseful World Cup match at the same time. The plethora of World Cup breaking news briefly knocked Yahoo Sports offline and also caused issues at Twitter –- though the latter has been somewhat of a regular occurrence during the World Cup (on a related note, tweets containing “USA” spiked to 6% of total tweet volume).

The overall traffic record was set earlier this month during the first day of World Cup action, where traffic exceeded 12 million visitors per minute. We’ll wait and see what the final numbers are from Akamai, but for the moment, it looks like Donovan’s goal will go down in Internet history at least as a solid number two.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

3 Fascinating Search Engines That Search For Faces

Thanks to the internet, our private lives are more and more exposed online. The amount of data every individual is adding appears to be a drop into the ocean. Does that thought make you feel safe? Think again!

Search engines are becoming ever more smarter in managing the massive amounts of data they are facing. In fact, face search and facial recognition are just a few of the many tools. When used the right way, they quickly unravel what an individual has been up to.

Here are three face search engines that may give you a thrill. Let’s see what they reveal about you or your friends.

1. facesearchFace Search Engine

his search engine is as harmless as it can get. It searches for faces based on image tags. So you query the search engine for a name and it will return all matching images containing faces. And as you can see in the example below, it doesn’t appear to be very accurate at that.

Did you know you could make Google search for faces only, by adding a small bit of code? When you go to Google Image Search, enter your query and then add “&imgtype=face” (without the quotes of course) to the end of the URL. It will give you similar results as facesearch above.

2. PicTrievFace Recognition Search Engine

PicTriev goes one step further by actually searching for similar faces. So what you do is upload a portrait shot or any face photo in .jpg or .jpeg format, with a size no larger than 200KB, and the search engine will return matching images found online. You can also run a demo with a selection of famous photos.

For demonstration purposes, I used one of my funny photos. The approximate age of 20 is very flattering and I’m happy that PicTriev recognized that I was mostly female. Unfortunately, however, my face matches mostly with that of males. Surprisingly, it didn’t come up with any pictures of me that are available online.

It works much better with celebrity images.

3. ViewdleFace Recognition Video Search Engine

Viewdle is a facial recognition video search engine, powered by Reuters Labs.

It analyzes videos frame by frame, searching for faces. Moreover, it adds contextual information to the face recognition data by converting speech to text. All of that is combined in an index, which allows to search for the right person, in the right clip, at the right moment. In other words, it helps you find information and people in videos.

At this point Viewdle can only find famous faces. Just type in a name at the bottom left and you’ll be forwarded to the search page. Here you can also enter a keyword to narrow down the results. Advanced search allows you to refine the search results by picking a video channel and time frame for the video.

Obviously, this type of indexing is highly useful for TV stations, for example to browse their archives for relevant material.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Nurph Creates An Instant Chatbox On Any Site

Chatting has become something of a second nature to a lot of people. It’s cheaper than SMS or telephone, and still covers that mind-blowing distance.

However, people have a lot of problems thinking out of the box on this one. Quite literally. There’s always a need for preparation. Installing the right applications, building your network. It’s nothing compared to the freedom of real life, where you can bug almost anyone you walk into.

There’s a notable exception to this rule; website chat rooms. Although more common on smaller, amateur websites, chat rooms give that real-life feel to a website, giving ‘customers’ the ability to interact with their hosts, or fellow interested parties. Perhaps set-up and maintenance is holding website hosts back. Nurph takes that out of the equation as well.

It’s incredibly easy to create a site-specific free chatbox using Nurph. You don’t even need server-side access! Allow me to explain how it’s done.

There are two ways to Nurph a website. First, point your webbrowser to the Nurph website. There enter the URL of a site – any site, even a YouTube video – and hit Go.

Nurph will open the specified site, and overlay it with a chat box. Notice that the URL points to a shortened URL. Anyone visiting the website via Nurph, or following the shortened URL directly, will be able to access the chat box.

Nurph uses Twitter for sole identification, which is actually about its only real downside. If you don’t yet have a Twitter account, you’ll have to sign up before you’re able to use Nurph. On the other side, with the need for identification, this makes for an immediate moderation barrier.

Luckily, you don’t need to pass through the Nurph website every single time. To use the Nurph bookmarklet, add this link to your browser’s bookmarks bar. If you want to generate a chat box-ed URL, simply hit the bookmarklet while you’re on a webpage.

Personal & Business Uses

If you’re a website administrator or blogger, you can use Nurph to add a chatbox to your site. Even if you’re using GUI-side-only services like Blogger, Tumblr or Twitter. Simply generate the URL and put it on a prominent place on your blog, profile, or Twitter page.

Nurph also suggests making it into your homepage, so people have a chance of chatting with the website owner a couple times per day. Using a service like Nurph, and promoting your site through it, not only adds to user satisfaction, but can keep them on your site exponentially longer, and thus increase your ad revenue.

But there’s no way Nurph is only interesting for professionals. Users can Nurph other websites than their own and, if well-promoted, help you discover like-minded individuals. This is especially true for community websites and discussion forums.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Google Chrome Powered Netbook in Two Weeks?

Still remember that quick poll which Loren did several months ago when Google announced that the Chrome OS will be targeted primarily for netbooks? Majority of you voted that you will buy the Google Chrome powered netbooks when it comes out. Well, better psyche up yourselves folks as reports had it that the first of such netbook will soon be launched.

Actually, let me retract a bit here. The said Google Chrome powered device will be demoed at the upcoming Computex 2010 electronics fair happening in Taipei on June 1-5. And guess which brand will be the first to run the Chrome OS? – The lucky manufacturer is none other th an Acer. What’s not clear here is what the Acer device will be? Is it going to be a netbook, tablet or smartbook?

A Google Chrome powered netbook seems to be the easiest route for Acer. But given the renewed popularity of the tablet, thanks to Apple’s iPad Acer might also demo a tablet instead. But then, if Acer wants to come up with tablet PC of their own that will rival the iPad, they can just use the Android OS.

A netbook running Google Chrome OS would certainly be more exciting than a tablet. Acer has already captured the netbook market, it would be safer and more practical for them to concentrate on netbooks instead.

Going back to the question, and modifying the premise a bit – are you still going to buy a Google Chrome powered netbook given that the iPad is already out?

Source :

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nachofoto – Real-time Image Search Engine

You may have noticed the past year that both Google and Bing are doing real-time searches that are including tweets and other information. This is extremely useful when keeping up with trending topics. I wanted to give you a quick run down on this new real-time image search engine called NachoFoto that I came across. When searching images in this, you’ll find that the results are directly correlated to the trending topic and news that has recently occurred. For instance, the recent Times Square bomb scare- NachoFoto Search Results.

When searching in Google, you might see something like, Google Search Results when searching for the same Times Square bomb scare. They also have “hot topics” and “trends” which you can find only in text, on their trending topics page.

As I mentioned before, you can also see trending topics that people are searching, image wise. It’s almost like going into Twitter and clicking the trending topics there to see what people are saying. On NachoFoto you can see the same, however, it’s in images. Another feature that is unique to this search engine is that static words, such as “golden gate bridge” will most likely not yield a result, because nothing significant changes over time. It would become on the map when a huge event is trending in regards to that particular topic.

The “NachoBot”, as it’s so fondly referred to, crawls and indexes images on the web using a “load spreading” technique. By doing so, it will reduce the strain that occurs on the server when being indexed. It’s very light. You can also choose to exclude the NachoBot from crawling and indexing your page in your Robots.txt file how it’s written below-

* robots.txt example: Include this in your robots.txt file:

User-agent: Nachobot Disallow: /
* Robots META tag example:

Include this in the head section of your web-page:

* Nachobot META tag example:

Include the following in the head section of your web-page:

There isn’t really too much to say at the moment, as this is just coming out and becoming well known. Keep your eye on it though because it has a great idea behind it and it fills a need that we’ve been lacking from Google, Bing and Yahoo!. Hopefully they will all follow suit and implement something like this. Do you think we’ll need to start marketing differently if we want our images to show up there? How does their algorithm work, and how can we push to rank in the forefront of the search results? I guess this will all come to surface as time goes by and it becomes more mainstream.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Google Now Lets You Drag Images from Desktop to Gmail

The Official Gmail blog just made a brief post announcing a new Gmail feature. So this means that Gmail does not only allow you to drag an attachment from your desktop onto Gmail but images as well.

Basically the new Gmail feature combines two features to allow Gmail users to drag email attachments and images as well. And its pretty simple to use as well. All you need to do is to drag the image in, resize it before sending the email.

Incidentally, this new Gmail feature currently works for Google Chrome only. But Google promises to make this available to other browsers as well.

So, if you’re fond of attaching files and images to your email messages, you’d might found this new Gmail feature useful.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Google Integrates a Virtual Keyboard to Search

Google has just rolled out a new search feature that would benefit those who search using non-English language. If you’re one of these people you’d be glad to know that Google search now features a virtual keyboard that would let you type search keywords in your own language.

Wait, it’s not really a touchscreen virtual keyboard like what the iPhone and other touchscreen phones have but an “onscreen keyboard” which you control using your computer’s keyboard. You can either click on the virtual keys or by pressing the corresponding keys on your computer’s keyboard.

You will see this virtual keyboard if you use Google search in any of the non-English languages supported by Google’s virtual search keyboard. A keyboard icon will appear on the left-most corner of the screen which when you click on it will bring out the virtual keyboard.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Google Releases Official Buzz Share Buttons

Google’s next order of battle for Google Buzz – Share Buttons. If you’ve felt envious of sites such as TechCrunch and Mashable which were quick enough to come up with their customized Google Buzz Share Buttons, Google will now let you do the same without having to hack through some codes and all. And it’s also the official Google Buzz Share Button.

So Google announced that starting today expect to see Buzz buttons around the web particularly on sites such as The Huffington Post, Glamour, YouTube, Blogger, MySpace, GigaOM and more. These buttons will make it easier for you to share and post interesting items you encounter around the web to your Google Buzz account.

In addition, independent sharing widget provides such as “Share This,” “Shareholic” and more have started implementing the Google Buzz share button.

If you want to have a Google Buzz button on your own sites/blogs, you can easily do so by getting the codes from You can customize your button in a few clicks, copy the Javascript code, paste it to your blog/site code and you’re good to go.

And while you’re there, you might also want to grab the code for putting a follow me on Buzz button as well. This will make it easier for your friends and fans to follow your Buzz posts.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Multilingual SEO: Things to Remember

Google has recently done a series on the usability of multilingual websites and it got me thinking about multilingual SEO. How do you, in fact, optimize the same website for keywords in multiple languages?

But let’s start with the core basics. In simple terms, a multilingual website is a website that has content in more than one language. And such website has a lot of on-page stuff that is often done wrong. Let’s take a look at some common issues:

1) Language recognition

Once Google’s crawler lands on your multilingual website, it starts with determining the main language on every page. Google can recognize a page as being in more than one language but you can avoid crawler confusion by doing the following:

* Stick to only one language per page
* Avoid side-by-side translations
* Use the same language for all elements of the page: headers, sidebars, menus, etc.

Some web editors create code-level attributes automatically but these attributes are not very reliable, so keep in mind that Google ignores all code-level information (from “lang” attributes to DTD (Document Type Definitions) during language recognition.

2) URL structure

A typical pet peeve of SEO but even more so with multilingual websites. To make the most of your URLs, consider language-specific extensions. Language-specific extensions are often used on multilingual websites to help users (and crawlers) identify the sections of the website they are on and the language the page is in. For example:

This is a great way to organize URLs on a multilingual website because not only does it help the user, but it also makes it easier for the crawler to analyze the indexing of your content. But what if you want to create URLs with characters other than English? Here’s how to do it right:

* Use UTF-8 encoding for non-English characters
* Make sure your UTF-8 encoded URLs are properly escaped when linked from within your content

i.e. if a URL contains an é, which is a non-English character:ént.html

here’s how it will look properly escaped:

* But if you have to escape the URLs manually, use an encoder such as one from Meyer Web or look for others

It is important to note that Google directly extracts character encodings from HTTP headers, HTML page headers, and content. There isn’t much you need to do about character encoding, other than watching out for conflicting information – for example, between content and headers. While Google can recognize different character encodings, use UTF-8 on your website whenever possible.

3) Crawling and Indexing

Another common area of focus for SEO. On multilingual websites, follow these recommendations to get more pages crawled:

* Avoid redirects based on user’s perceived language: they could, in fact, prevent both users and SEs from looking at more pages on your site.
* Keep the content for each language on separate URLs
* Don’t use cookies to show translated page versions
* Cross-link page by page

Last but not least, please remember that Google does not recommend automatic translations.

By getting the on-page basics right, you will set a great base for your multilingual SEO in the future and, unlike so many others, you will not have to beg (in multiple languages) SE crawlers to come and index your content.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Google to Launch New Voice Desktop App

When Google acquires Gizmo5, a VoIP service that provides P2P VoIP calls and calls with normal landlines and mobile phones, it wasn’t clear as to how Google will possibly use Gizmo5’s technology. Although, Gizmo5 could very well provide Google Voice an endpoint for calls, Google didn’t do much to make this happen, until now.

According to TechCrunch, Google is currently testing a new Google Voice desktop application built on the Gizmo5 technology. This application will finally allow users to make and receive calls from their desktop without needing to attach their Google Voice account to an existing phone number.

The said app is currently under Google’s “dogfooding” system, meaning it is currently being tested by Google employees themselves before putting it out for public beta testing soon. How soon? In a weeks or so perhaps since Google has started testing the app this week.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

GoDaddy Joins Google China Boycott : Stops Selling .CN Domains

Never one to back down from a chance to gain publicity, has announced that like Google, it too will be halting operations in China. I’m not sure how much of a percentage of the Chinese market uses GoDaddy, but this seems to be a serious announcement by the domain registration and hosting company.

If anything, the decision by GoDaddy will limit its reselling of .CN domain names more than anything. Less .CN’s on the market? This could be a good thing. reports Inc., the world’s largest domain name registration company, told lawmakers Wednesday that it will cease registering Web sites in China in response to intrusive new government rules that require applicants to provide extensive personal data, including photographs of themselves.

The rules, the company believes, are an effort by China to increase monitoring and surveillance of Web site content and could put individuals who register their sites with the firm at risk. The company also believes the rules will have a “chilling effect” on new domain name registrations.

and from the Godaddy announcement :

“There appears to be a recent increase in China’s surveillance and monitoring of the Internet activities of its citizens,” said Christine Jones, general counsel for Go Daddy, at the Congressional- Executive Commission on China (CECC).

Jones said the new Chinese policies required every website owner to submit photographs, business information and individually signed forms, as well as their physical address, email address and telephone numbers.
“We didn’t want to act as an agent of the Chinese government,” Jones said. “We can’t let them be strong and us be weak all the time. We just have to stop it, and then we’ll start offering .CN domain names again.”


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Top 3 Websites To Build A Free Resume Online

When you’re looking for a job, you don’t have a lot of chances to catch the interest of a potential employer. After the cover letter, the curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is one of the first documents recruiters see. To keep them interested in you, this document should highlight your strengths, be easy to scan, yet look unique and interesting.

You may wonder what the difference is between a CV and a resume? The main difference is the length. A resume is a one or two page summary of your education, skills, and experiences. A CV covers more details and is primarily used when applying for jobs in academia, education, science, and research.

A great way to quickly compile a resume and not forget about any details are online tools. This article covers the top 3 websites to create a CV or build a free resume online.

1. CeeVee

Don’t be misled by the name. As I said, the main difference between a CV and a resume is the length. So simply limit yourself to the essential details and this CV builder will create a document that qualifies as a resume.

CeeVee essentially works like editing an online profile. You’re not guided through the process step-by-step, you can fill in the information in any order you please. To customize your document, you can add sections to your resume, remove existing sections, and add as many entries to each section as you like. You can also choose from three different themes, which will affect both the display on the website, as well as the output document.

The resulting CV or resume can be shared online, downloaded as a PDF, or you can print it.

2. Free Resume Creator

This tool isn’t as pretty as CeeVee, but definitely a more advanced way to build a free resume online. Another advantage is that you don’t have to sign up to use it.

You start by selecting your desired resume style. In the next steps you fill in your personal information, education, employment, and any additional information. Before completing the document, you can choose font styles and colors.

The document can be printed or downloaded as PDF, HTML, or plain text. If you would like to save the document online to come back and edit it later, you will have to sign up.

The PCman Website also provides online services to create a cover letter and reference page.

3. Advice Resources CV Builder

This CV or resume builder leaves you with two options. You can either view a list of templates and download any you like or take the step-by-step builder route. Neither requires you to sign up, but to save your CV online, you have to create an account. However, this can wait until you have seen the result.

Building your CV is done in 12 steps. The tool polls for your name, contact details, motivation, work experience, skills, education, additional qualifications, personal interests, referees, and finally your preferred layout. You can then download and check the result as a .rtf document and eventually go back and edit your CV.

As the screenshot above reveals, Advice Resources provide additional material to prepare yourself before building your CV. You can build your job seeking skills, your CV confidence, and your CV knowledge.

Before you send a resume to a potential employer, make sure the service you used to build your resume works as expected and your document is thoroughly formatted and does not contain spelling errors.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gmail Goes Social With Google Buzz

Google introduced a social networking tool called Google Buzz Tuesday that allows sharing of status updates, images, and videos via a new Gmail tab called Google Buzz. The Google Buzz features will also be available on Android based phones as well as the iPhone (via a Web-based application) allowing for real-time updates to your Google Buzz feed that can show up on a new version of Google's mobile maps.

Google says the new Google Buzz tab will begin showing up on about 1 percent of Gmail user accounts starting today. Google says the rest of Gmail users will be able to see a new Google Buzz tab in their accounts within a week.
Five Core Features

Google hopes that instead of conversing on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace, you'll instead turn to Google Buzz for sharing status updates, photos, and videos. How will the search giant convince you to make Google Buzz your social network of choice?
1. Blends With Gmail

The main way of accessing Google Buzz will be through Gmail. Below your inbox, there will be a tab for Buzz, allowing you to read status updates, photos, and video. The 40 people you converse with the most in Gmail and Gchat are automatically added as friends. Buzz updates also appear in your inbox if someone comments on your updates or comments, or someone directs a Buzz to your attention by using the familiar "@" symbol. 

2. "Page Rank" for Status Updates

Google brought up that familiar criticism of social networks, that no one cares if you ate a bagel or stubbed your toe. To compensate for noise, Google Buzz lets you like and dislike status updates, and learn over time whether to show or collapse status updates from your friends. It also looks for conversations outside your direct group of followers and adds them to your feed as recommendations. 

3. Media Gets Pulled In

Photos from Flickr and Picasa and video from YouTube appear as thumbnails in Google Buzz. Click a YouTube thumbnail, and the video will expand to play inline. Click on a photo, and it'll expand to fill most of the browser window, with the rest of the gallery in a narrow strip along the bottom of the screen.
If you post a link in Buzz, you'll automatically be able to append images and the headline from that Web page. Finally, you can pull in tweets from Twitter (but no Facebook updates) into Buzz. Unfortunately, you can't send your Buzz updates out to Twitter or other social networks. 

4. Mobile Features

Google Buzz will be available as a mobile Web app, letting you dictate status updates by voice and geotag your posts. When looking on Google Mobile Maps, Buzz updates appear directly on the map, so you can read location-based updates. You can also look for any recent Buzz updates posted near your current location. 

5. Private and Public

With each update you send, you'll have a choice of making it private or public. Private updates can go to all of your Buzz followers, or just a select group. Public updates are posted on your Google Profile page and are immediately indexed for Google Search.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Track Your Keyword Positions with SEO Ranking Monitor

I have something new and awesome for you: SEO Ranking Monitor. The features I liked most of all:

(!) Sleek and usable interface;
(!) Nice-looking visualization tools;
(!) No clutter: no unnecessary features.
So let’s take a look at the tools settings and options.

The Process

Start by clicking “Settings” to configure tracking:
  • Domains: add your domain here;
  • Keywords: enter your keywords to track. You can add keywords one by one or in bulk. You will also need to tag each keyword for better report organization.
  • Competitors: add your SERPs competitors to compare rankings;
  • Google Analytics: grant access to your Google Analytics account to see results from your rankings;
  • Search engines: select the search engines to track rankings in. You will have a huge choice of multiple Google local versions: 

The results

Here’s where the real fun starts. You will have access to multiple tables and charts visualizing your stats.
SERP monitor: here you will be able to see a table containing your current rankings for each keyword in each search engine and the most recent change. You can export the whole table to Excel and filter the keywords by tag:

Competitors Monitor: this table compares your rankings with your competitors’ ones. Click through tabs to see the comparison across all tracked search engines:

Domain Monitor: this table represents your summarized domain stats in all chosen search engines:
  • Average rankings of the tracked keywords;
  • Backlinks;
  • Indexed pages:
From each table you can access cool charts visualizing your ranking fluctuation:

Dashboard: summarizes it all by visualizing your stats in really nice-looking charts that will let you see your rankings distribution:

This is one of the most usable rank tracking tools.The tool also appears to be really affordable and complete in terms of all required features. You can also try the tool for free

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Google Makes Social Search Available in Beta

Sometime last year, Google rolled out its social search experiment with the aim of making search, well, more social. No, specifically to make relevant web content available of Google search results. By relevant Google means contents from your friends and contacts. So, today after getting good feedback from those who tried out the feature, Google has just released it in beta available to everyone.

But in addition to providing contents published by your friends or online contacts as additional search results Google has also added the social search feature to Google Images. So when you do your search on Google Images you will also see photos published online from your social circles on either Picasa Web Albums, Flickr or other photo-sharing sites. Social search results will be displayed under the heading “Results from your social circle.”

Now, when Google displays these social search results you can see two links labeled “my social circle” and “my social content.”  The second option lists public pages that might appear in other people’s social results. It’s Google’s way of helping you build your social circle as well as connect you to the contents published by people in your social circle.

The social search features works best if you’re signed in to your Google account and have a live Google Profile.

source :-

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Google Gtalk tips

Google Gtalk is light and fast. CPU memory usage is lower than MSN Live Messenger. Here are some tips to make your Gtalk experience more interesting.

Line Break

Hold SHIFT and hit ENTER

Bold text

To bold your text, put an asterisk (*) before and after content. [Example] *these will be bold*       

Italic text

To italic your text, put an asterisk (_) before and after content. [Example] _these will be italic_       

Switch between chat windows

Hold CTRL, click on I will cycle you through each chat window

Minimize chat window

ALT + ESC minimize chat window. (For Gmail talk, it only work when chat window is a popup)        

Restore chat window

WINDOWS + ESC will restore your Gtalk from minimized mode.        

Open multiple Gtalk application

Click Start -> Run and enter the following in Open dialog.

    "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex

Misc Gtalk information

# You don’t have to say YES or NO when someone adds you. Simply ignore it and the request will go away.
# A message can be 32767 characters long.
# You can change your Gtalk chat name in Account Page
# Adding a web URL in custom message will result it to be clickable.
# Gtalk supports these following emotions and they are in blue colors

    :-| :-O :-x :-P :-D ;-) :-( :| :O :x :P :D :) :( ;-| ;-O ;-x ;-P ;-D ;-) ;-( ;| ;O ;x ;P ;D ;) ;( B-| B-O B-x B-P B-D B-) B-( B’( BO Bx BD B) B( B)

# Gmail talk supports these following emotions and they are animated

       :-| :=P :-D ;-):-( :P :D :) :( ;-) ;) B-)

More parameters for Gtalk Start -> Run

Here’s a complete list of what you can do with Gtalk in run command prompt.

C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /parameter

    * /nomutex: Open more than 1 Gtalk.
    * /autostart: Check the registry settings to see if Gtalk needs to be started. If the “Start automatically with Windows” option is unchecked, it won’t start.
    * /forcestart: Similar to /autostart, but forces Gtalk to start.
    * /S upgrade: Used when upgrading Google Talk
    * /register: registers Google Talk in the registry, including the GMail Compose method.
    * /checkupdate: check for newer versions
    * /plaintextauth: uses plain authentication mechanism instead then Google’s GAIA mechanism. Used for testing the plain method on Google’s servers.
    * /nogaiaauth: disables GAIA authentication method. The same as above.
    * /factoryreset: set settings back to default.
    * /gaiaserver uses a different GAIA server to connect to Google Talk. Used for debug purposes only, there are no other known GAIA servers.
    * /mailto send an email with Gmail
    * /diag: start Google Talk in diagnostic mode
    * /log: probably has something to do with the diagnostic logging

If you have additional Gtalk tips, I would like to know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Firefox 3.6 is coming soon!

Mike Beltzner,

Director of Firefox, gives us an overview of what's new in Firefox 3.6

for more check this Video

Capture Screen Shots Of Websites

Here is Firefox Add-On called ScreenGrab! It’s not a new tool (about 3 milion people have downloaded it) but it does-what-it-says-it-does and is very cool so I thought I would share…
Free Screen Capture – With it, you can save anything that you can see in a browser window – from a small selection, to a complete page…. is an extension that makes it easy to save a web-page as an image – it’s a screen capture tool for Firefox!
On my Mac to take a picture of, for instance, small parts of a screen – I normally use the keyword command Command-Shift-4 (I don’t know how PC users do it) but where this software comes in useful is if I want to take a a picture of an entire web page that is too big to fit in your browser window. It does not capture screen video though if you are looking for that function.
Here’s the link to the extension on Mozilla.
If you’ve got better screen capture software for the Mac (oh well, or PC) let me know in the comments…

Video Sharing is becoming critical to your online success

Web videos are so popular on the internet these days. With the advent of video sharing web sites, many people are encouraged to produce their own videos. There are thousands of reasons why people create such outputs. For one, video sharing has opened many opportunities for individuals to be noticed over the internet. There are many artists who were discovered through these video sharing sites and many online marketers have also ventured into this type of online advertising. Video sharing is free that is why many affiliates are taking advantage of this method. Promoting your online business through visual media is the trend in internet marketing these days.

It is just similar to having a television advertisement at the least cost possible. This makes online marketing very interesting because with today's technology, there are just so many ways you can promote your online business. Aside from having streaming online videos on your site, you can also take advantage of video sharing sites such as YouTube and MySpace.

Participating in these sites is free and does not require a too much expertise from your end.

Creating, discovering, searching, sharing, storing etc for videos

Here is the List of Video Sharing Site.

  1. BigContact : social podcasting/videocasting
  2. blinkx : tv / video / podcast search
  3. : video/podcasting sharing service
  4. Bolt : video/photo/music sharing service
  5. Boltfolio : video sharing service
  6. : sports video portal
  7. BroadSnatch : podcasts/v-logs
  8. Castpost : social video hosting / sharing
  9. Clipshack : social video sharing
  10. Dailymotion : video sharing
  11. DiviCast : social podcasting/videocasting
  12. Dropshots : social video sharing
  13. EveryBit : search multimedia web content
  14. EyeSpot : simple video mixing and sharing
  15. : social video sharing
  16. Flukiest : music/photo/video sharing
  17. Freevlog : video logging tutorial
  18. GetDemocracy : internet television
  19. GlideDigital : social photo/music/video/file/etc sharing
  20. Grinvi : social video sharing (spanish)
  21. Grouper : social video sharing
  22. Kolablog : multimedia blogging service; free
  23. LifeBlogger : free blogging service
  24. Loomia : podcast/video search engine
  25. Magnoto : free modular blogging service
  26. MediaMax : online media / file storage ; free (25 gb) and paid accounts
  27. MediaTurner : rich media player service
  28. mefeedia : social video sharing
  29. MetaCafe : social video sharing
  30. MyVideoKaraoke : social karaoke video sharing
  31. Openvlog : video recording and sharing
  32. Orb : secure access to media (music/photo/video)
  33. Ourmedia : online storage
  34. Phanfare : social photo / video sharing
  35. PicPix : photo/video sharing/tag/organization application
  36. PiXPO : video sharing service
  37. poddater : video personals with tags
  38. Podesk : video podcast/blog software
  39. Pooxi : video search engine (french)
  40. Popcast : social video braodcasting
  41. Revver : social video sharing
  42. SelfCastTV : social video sharing
  43. SevenLoad : social video sharing
  44. Sharkle : social video sharing
  45. ShoZu : social photo / video / text mobile sharing
  46. Stickam : social media sharing
  47. Stridr / swapzies : social media storage
  48. Strmz : videos from TV channels
  49. Trueveo : video search engine
  50. TurnHere : film of the day
  51. VideoBomb : social video hosting / sharing
  52. VideoEgg : video publishing
  53. VideoSift : social video sharing
  54. VidiLife : social video sharing
  55. Vimeo : social video sharing
  56. vlogmap : video blogs on google maps
  57. vMix : social video sharing
  58. Vongo : high-quality full screen video plugin software
  59. vSocial : social video sharing
  60. woomu : social video sharing with user tags and votes
  61. YouTube : social video sharing
  62. Zippyvideos : social video sharing

Friday, January 15, 2010

Compare Google Caffeine

Search Google & their new sandbox version Google (Caffeine) at the same time and compare results on one single page. See what this new version of Google offers. Some noticeable points is you will see that the rendering speed is reduced. More about the changes can be read on the google webmaster blog post

AdWords Display URL Policy Change For Hosted Domains

The Google AdWords blog announced a new change to their display URL policy for ads leading to hosted domains. The change is fairly simple, if you are hosted on a, or similar type of domain, Google wants you to show the subdomain portion of the domain, in addition to the main domain.
For example the destination URL for the AdWords blog is, so the display URL has to be, it cannot just be Same with WordPress, such as the destination URL must show the display URL of and not just


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Google Adds “Near Me Now” to its Mobile Homepage

Google has just added a useful button to its  mobile homepage – tagged “near me now”, this feature lets you search by using your location as the query.  Currently available for iPhone and Android phone users in the U.S., “Near me now” utilizes GPS for determining your whereabouts and then searches for results near your location.

The new Google mobile homepage feature lets you easily search for popular categories of nearby places. Just by clicking or tapping on the “Near me now” link right on the Google mobile homepage, you will find categories of places. And if you want more you can just select the “browse more categories” link.
You can also explore the whereabouts of specific locations including reviews or rants of other people about a specific restaurants and their menus and services.
To use this feature, make sure that the location feature of your iPhone, Nexus One or other Android phones is activated. Then visit your phone’s browser and you can easily spot the “Near me now” tab.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Links

SEO: If you do nothing else, build links!

It’s more-or-less official: link-building is quite possibly the most important part your SEO campaign if you’re at all serious about breaking into the ranks of page-1 Google results.
But the more we hear people talking about building links, the more mysterious the whole subject becomes: surely there’s a lot the average person can’t know about it?
Actually, it’s not that mysterious. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to get right to create a world-class piece of linkbait that will garner valuable links as well as get people talking about you and your blog or website!
  1. First, be very clear about what linkbait–or link bait–really is: it’s plain, old fashioned quality content. Even super-quality content, no matter what it actually is. It can be an article, a blog post, a photo, a cartoon, a video or an audio post. If it’s good, people willl link to it and it will be linkbait.
  2. Decide if Linkbait is what you need or if you should be buying plain old links. Here’s a discussion debating paid links v linkbait.
  3. Read up about specific definitions of different types of linkbait is so you can do a better job. Here’s Matt Cutt’s post on the subject, and here’s celebrity blogger DoshDosh’s take on list building, which is a very successful form of linkbait creation.
  4. Choose a subject for your linkbait that is 100 percent relevant to your site, and that will have benefits for readers. Making linkbait useful is critical to its success.
  5. Be sure that the linkbait you choose isn’t going to compromise your brand in any way (hence the caption above).
  6. Create a title for your Linkbait that will compel the reader to continue. Copyblogger’s post on creating magnetic headlines will help you get started on creating your own masterpieces.
  7. While press releases are not strictly speaking Linkbait, I’m including them on this list because they can get you a lot of incoming links and can enhance your brand image when done properly. Chris Crum over at WebPro News gives us a lot of information about press releases.
  8. To be sure there are examples of linkbait that are scaremongering, lies, disinformation or all of these and more, but in my experience if linkbait is to have long-term value it’s better to stick to the truth and keep within the guidelines of ethics.Providing your linkbait is not unethical, you should be OK with Smashing Magazine’s Golden Rules of Linkbaiting.
  9. Some ideas to get you started: you could write an expose of something you think is wrong, a review of a product you like, create a controversial opinion piece that you know some people will hate (no such thing as bad publicity), create a list of tools or services that will be useful to your audience, come up with some breaking news that no one else has yet and make sure people know you had it first, conduct a poll or a survey,  come up with a video that is highly popular (this is a good one–get it right and you’ve got it made!), create a top 10, top 20 , or top anything list (go as high as you like).
  10. Assess the level of emotion your article is going to trigger. If it doesn’t elicit emotion you are dead in the water, as Search Engine Journal’s Dave Snyder explains.
  11. If your linkbait is the written kind, don’t forget to link out to anyone who provided information or inspiration–they’ll probably link back to you so your piece will have a built-in linking mechanism.
  12. When you’re done, promote, promote, promote. Some sites that you may find useful for buzzing up your linkbait are Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, Plurk, Posterous, Digg, Mixx, Delicious, and Tip’d if your piece has anything to do with the world of finance. OK I know there are scores more, but this should be enough to seriously get anyone started promoting their pieces.
  13. Notice I didn’t talk about paid links: if you buy (or sell) links, and Google catches up with you, you’re sunk!