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Friday, February 3, 2012

Twournal - Get Your Tweets In PDF Format

For anyone passionate to Tweets, you probably twitter more than 20 times a day. When you regularly tweets, you gradually end up developing a tale made up of exciting articles, personal ideas, and spur-of-the-moment images. Before you know it, you have actually designed an online journal.

Although Twitter posts is fantastic for obtaining those normal periods, it is certainly not so fantastic when it comes to re-visiting them. It is certainly not like Fb where you can click around on your image albums; Twitter posts needs A LOT of scrolling down.

And if you would like to look back and keep those moments easily accessible, you would be pushed to discover a way of dispatching those twitter posts into a fun and reader-friendly format.

Well here is an excellent tip off on how to get those twitter posts off the stream and into digital format.

Launched just last week, Twournal is a brand new service that allows you to turn your tweets into print. They publish your tweets in a stylish and professional looking book complete with front cover, dedication page, and photos.

Twournal offers hard copies of your tweets starting at $15 (USD). However, it has the more appealing option of getting a free PDF version you can easily download and view in your PDF reader.

The best part is you can personalize your publication. For both hard copy and electronic editions, you can choose to include replies, determine which twitter posts you want your publication to start and end at, and get your cover custom made with a picture of your own choosing.

As mentioned, you can also include Twitter photos which you posted on Twitter in your book–a great option to jazz up the presentation of your tweets. For these, Twournal supports Twitpic, Tweetphoto or Yfrog posted pictures you can include in either colour or black and white.

Of course, you’ll need to provide Twournal with access to your account, and the time it takes to complete your Twitter PDF book depends on the number of tweets you want included. Twournal even has seller options for you if you’d like to put your Twitter book up for sale.

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